Land of Fire
Baku (Azerbaijan)
In 2008, Azerbaijan made its debut in the Eurovision International Song Contest. We were given a task to promote the contest among the Azerbaijanis, on the one hand, and introduce the country of Azerbaijan to the world public, on the other hand.
EuroMedia developed the concept of ceremonial presentation of the Eurovision Song Contest National Selection winners in Azerbaijan. Instead of conventional national finals, traditionally held in the closed circle of media experts, a brilliant show was organized. The concert was attended by Eurovision winners, Azeri pop stars and special guests. During the event the national jury declared Elnur&Samir duet to be the representatives of the country in a debut year. The event was watched by over 7,000 spectators and TV coverage of the National Selection final was carried out in seven European countries, as well as on the official website of the contest "I have never seen such a fantastic National Final!" – said the television director of the European Broadcasting, Byorn Eriksen, who attended the concert.
EuroMedia developed the concept of the show, television design, developed and implemented the stage concept, light design, provided professional sound VJing, organized a multi-camera shooting and TV broadcasting.